Liturgical Ministry
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. Those who are involved in liturgical roles at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass help their fellow parishioners to encounter Christ, truly made present.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This ministry is open to responsible, well-behaved boys beginning in the fourth grade through high school. An emphasis on openness to the vocation of Holy Orders is a part of the altar server program. Training is offered regularly. Servers are assigned various roles (Thurifer, cross bearer, candle bearer, missal bearer) based on age and experience. Servers should expect to serve about once every 3-4 weeks.
Art & Environment Ministry
The art & environment ministry enhances our liturgies by making our worship space look beautiful throughout the liturgical year. This ministry plays a significant role in preparing for our Christmas and Easter celebrations. The coordinator of the art and environment ministry is Maureen Foust. (ldfoust@hotmail.com)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are laypersons who assist our priests and deacons in distributing the Most Holy Body of Christ at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This ministry is open to any practicing Catholic, in good standing with the Church, who has received the sacrament of Confirmation. Training is offered as needed. Please contact our Director of Liturgy, Heber Dunkle, if interested in serving. (hdunkle@olmc.org)
Extraordinary Minister Team Leads
Team Leads are the head extraordinary ministers at each Mass. The Team Leads also check-in the other extraordinary ministers/clergy and assign them to a particular distribution station for Holy Communion. Two team leads are needed for every Sunday Mass and should expect to serve about every 3-4 weeks. Contact our Director of Liturgy, Heber Dunkle, if interested in serving. (hdunkle@olmc.org)
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic adoration happens weekly Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and every 1st Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Saturday. Adoration is open to everyone at any of the offered hours, but we are always in need of adorers committed to making a weekly holy hour. If interested in committing to a weekly hour, please email adoration@olmc.org
Funeral Ministry
Our funeral ministry helps the parish in performing the corporal work of mercy of burying the dead. Members of this team serve in various roles (ushers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, etc.) at the funeral Mass, pray with the family, and help bring them hope and comfort during an incredibly difficult time. There are also non-liturgical roles available for those who interested in helping at the occasional post-funeral Mass reception. (reception coordinators, reception volunteers, donators of food, etc.) If you feel called to show mercy in this way, please contact our Director of Liturgy, Heber Dunkle. (hdunkle@olmc.org)
Lector Ministry
Lectors proclaim the readings at every Mass. A lector should feel comfortable reading scripture clearly and prayerfully in front of a large group of people. Regular training is offered. Our lector coordinator is Jim Ellis. (jimellis1206@gmail.com)
Linens Ministry
Members of our linens ministry are responsible for bringing home and reverently purifying, cleaning, and pressing the linens utilized during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Volunteers can expect to bring home a laundry bag full of Mass linens about every 6-8 weeks.
Mass Coordinators
The Mass Coordinator ensures that all personnel and items are ready to go at every Mass. A Mass Coordinator’s oversight is vital to the Mass being reverent and prayerful. Mass Coordinators serve about every 4 weeks. Training is conducted by the shadowing of an experienced Mass Coordinator. Contact Mia Siochi, if interested. (ejsiochi@cox.net)
Sacristans work behind the scenes to keep our worship space and sacristy neat and tidy. They water plants, clean and refill holy water fonts, refill votive candles, and clean wax off candlesticks.
Ushers welcome people and help them to feel comfortable. They open doors, greet people, hand out bulletins, ensure an orderly communion procession, and recruit gift bearers. They collect the monetary offering. They give assistance to folks as needed or during emergencies. Contact Lucy Oliver if interested in serving. (lmcpoliver10@gmail.com)