Online Giving
Our Lady of Mount Carmel asks all parish families to utilize our online giving platform Tithe.ly.
Parishioners can set up a recurring gift on a weekly or monthly basis, and give to the general tithe fund or special funds. For more information and to give your tithe, please visit our online giving portal.

Envelope Giving
Parishioners are asked to please utilize our online giving platform for their regular tithe. For those families that are unable to give online, upon request, envelopes will be sent to the family. Please contact the parish office to be mailed envelopes regularly.

Legacy Giving
There are many ways you can give to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. You can give via gifts of marketable securities (stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares) and planned gifts. Planned Gifts might include remembering Our Lady of Mount Carmel in your will as a beneficiary, naming our parish as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy, or even including OLMC as a beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement plans. Call our office to learn more, or click the button below for specific instructions for making a gift of stock.