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Campaign Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of the project?
The Splendor of Carmel campaign is $2.5 Million. This campaign amount includes all of the renovation project show in these images with no additional phases planned for the Nave and Sanctuary. The cost includes the General Contracting, Pews and Kneelers, Wood and Marble, Statuary, Organ storage and restoration, and Interior Design and Painting. A 10% contingency is built in to all costs to adjust for inflation and additional expenses.
How will OLMC raise the projected funds?
Parishioners are asked to give a prayerful, sacrificial 5-year pledge to assist in raising the funds. 100% of the funds raised through the Splendor of Carmel campaign remain in the parish and will be used exclusively for this project.
What is the projected timeline?
As soon as the campaign is complete and the pledges are received, we will secure a construction line of credit through the Diocese. We will sign all contracts once we have final approval of the Bishop and begin the work as soon as possible. We expect to be out of the Church for renovation between 6-9 months. During that time, Sunday and Holy Day Masses will be celebrated in OLMC School gym (where our parish first celebrated Mass!). Weekday Masses will be celebrated in Saint Michael Hall.
How can I give?
Parishioners are asked to give a prayerful, significant gift to the Splendor of Carmel campaign, with a pledge redemption of up to five years. Many parishioners will give monthly for 5-years, enabling them to give a more significant gift than a one-time offering. Parishioners may also choose to give by cash, check, or IRA/Stock transfer directly to OLMC, at whatever frequency they choose. Online giving is available for debit from a checking account or credit card. To give by transfer from your financial institution, please contact the parish office.
How will the Church Nave and Sanctuary change?
The renovation will bring a stunning new design to the existing architecture of our Church building. While retaining the same capacity, every pew will have a direct line of sight to the Sanctuary. There isn't a bad seat in the house! The Nave and Sanctuary are designed to compliment each other, drawing our focus to the Altar and Tabernacle. Surrounded by images of beauty and tradition, it will draw our hearts and minds to the transcendence of God in our worship. See the Gallery page for more images of how the beauty will unfold.
Is the design in union with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church?
We have taken great care to see that the design of the Church and Nave follows the universal rubrics of our Catholic faith. The inclusion of kneelers in the pews, the raising of the Altar of Sacrifice, and the placing of the Baptismal font all bring our parish into these rubrics for worship, and will ensure that the prayers and ritual of the Roman Missal are in agreement.

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