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We are hiring!

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church has an opening on our staff to join our evangelization team in bringing Christ to the World.

OLMC has an open position for Director of Youth Ministry, with a starting date in the summer or fall of 2025. This position encompasses all ministry to our middle school and high school parishioners. The extensive relational based ministry is an invitation to serve the needs of the young Church. Oversight of the young adult ministry is also a small portion of the position. The position description and application instructions can be found at Catholic Jobs.

Interested candidates should follow the application instructions in the job postings.

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Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Catholic Church


100 Harpersville Road

Newport News, VA 23601



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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Saturday:  5pm

Sunday:    8am, 10am, 2pm (Spanish), 5pm


Monday:   5:30pm

Tuesday:  9am

Wednesday: 6:30pm

Thursday: 8am (with OLMC School), 6:30pm (Spanish)

Friday:  7am


The Rite of Penance (Confessions)

Saturday:  3:00pm

Wednesday: 5:00pm

Jueves: 5:30pm (en Español solamente)


The Most Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and open for private prayer each day from 7:00am-7:00pm.



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